Dela Antoinette's

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Black History Month & Volume Lashes

For the past 2 years, I've made it a point to do a photo shoot with an African American model showcasing their strength and beauty in various ways.  This year, I had the opportunity to work with a local Bay Area model, Belle Sophie.  She was such a pleasure to work with and I love that she was open minded to whatever look I wanted to do.

Since she's a natural beauty, I didn't want to give her lash extensions that were long and super thick where the focus was on the lashes.  Instead, I wanted to compliment her beauty by applying eyelash extensions that followed the shape of her eye and enhanced slightly on the outer corners.  

To create this look, I kept the lashes short.  Shorter lashes create a darker, fuller lash line without looking over the top.  A lot of my clients really like this look.  

Overall, I'm pleased with the results and so is she.  I should mention, it was her first time wearing eyelash extensions and now she's hooked!

To receive master styling tips on how to create this look or other looks, you can sign up for my newsletter below.