Dela Antoinette's

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Don't Compete, Stay Focused

The lash industry is booming and with much success comes more artists in the field.  I'm pretty good at blocking out noise  and gossip, but there are times when you hear things and you just can't help but to take it in and chuckle to yourself.  Recently, a Client told me about her experiences with multiple local artists.  One in particular she said,  flat out told her, "I'm the best."  She said she hadn't asked or questioned her ability and the artist just bluntly claimed the title of being the best in the area. 

On one hand, I think it's great to have confidence and to be confident in your skill.  There are times where you do have to approach people like Kanye West if you feel like someone is questioning your talent.  It's important to believe in yourself.  But on the flip side, humility goes a long way.  When you have an attitude of humility, you're open to learning and growing. 


To be completely honest, I can't remember the last time I looked at anyone's lash work locally unless it somehow popped up on my social feed or was sent to me from the person.  While I don't claim to be the best, I sincerely don't feel like I have any competition.  Now, I don't want you to think for a moment that I'm full of myself because that's not the case.  I just feel that we all have our own unique talents to share with the world and there's a select group of people that will appreciate what it is that we do.  

There are some that see my work and love it while others don't.  The artist down the street may be great for those people that don't like my style.  And you know what?  That's totally ok.  So rather than compete with my fellow artist that may cater to a completely different demographic than I do, I'd rather compete with myself and concentrate my energy on being the best that I can be.  

Besides, there are enough Clients for everyone.