Dela Antoinette's

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Using Facebook to Sell Your Products and Services

Months ago, I made a big shift in how I used Facebook.  I used to be so focused on SELLING my products and services that anytime I saw an opportunity, I would push people to links on my website.  This behavior is completely normal within Facebook groups and we've grown to accept it. 

When you take a deeper look at this behavior, you'll soon realize that it's quite selfish.  I was like a shark swimming around in a pond waiting for my opportunity to pounce and sell, sell, sell.  The drive to sell my personal agenda outweighed my drive to truly help others.  In every other area of my life, I'm a giver.  So it pained me to think I was becoming someone I didn't want to be.  

That's when I made the decision to stop being spammy and salesy.  

The first step I took was learning Facebook and it's purpose.  Facebook is a community.  It's a place where we come to connect with friends, family and acquaintances.  It's not the place people come to looking to be sold or have products shoved down their throats. 

Once I started to understand this,  I used Facebook differently.   Instead of trying to sell, sell, sell, I found ways to help others and add value.  I stopped sharing links within facebook groups to my products.  I listened to people and answered their questions based on my personal experience.  Even if it meant linking people to a product that wasn't mine, I did it.  And I found myself less stressed and more relaxed operating in this way because it's in line with the core of who I am.

Within less than 2 months of doing this, I managed to sell twice as much product as I had when I was on Facebook all day pushing links.   By helping others without pushing my personal agenda, I was building trust within the community.  

Turns out people like it when you help them rather than sell them.

My point is this.  If you want to gain more clients and have more people buying your products or booking appointments with you, the starting point is looking at how you can add value to their lives way before you push your agenda.  Believe me, people are intelligent.  You give away enough great information, people will want to know more about you, do their research and buy your stuff solely because you're now the person they know and trust.

I'm going to continue sharing details on how I've used Facebook to gain more clients and sell more products in upcoming blogs so make sure you're subscribed to my newsletter so you receive them as soon as they're released!