Dela Antoinette's

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What I Learned From Cutting Back my Work Schedule

It was over 25 years ago when I got started in the beauty industry as a hairstylist and I remember it like it was yesterday. It was the first time in my life that I felt certain about something and hopeful about the future. I remember being so excited because back then, hairstylists were like celebrities.

The hairstylists I knew drove nice cars, had big houses and what I referred to as the “Miami Vice” lifestyle. Kinda like palm trees, sunshine, all white and they made lots of money.

Fast forward 23 years later…

I’ve pivoted to become a lash artist and no one really even knows that my start was with hair extensions. I’ve become known as the lash lady who’s worked with everyday women, men, a few celebrities and even gained a little recognition within the lash community for freely sharing tips and tricks I’ve learned along my personal journey.

Through all of that, I somehow looked up one day and realized I was tired. The thing that brought me so much joy had become routine and started to feel like a job.

And let me just say that jobs and working for someone else is the first step to discomfort and misery for me. I’m a free bird and answering to people blows for someone like me.

I started taking days off randomly here and there. I even took a few vacations. But as soon as I got back, it was the same old grind. So I decided to try something different.

Instead of working 5 days a week, I cut my days to 4 for a month or so to see how it would affect my business and most importantly, how I’d feel. I found that taking a day for me in the middle of the week revitalized me so that when I came back to work, my energy was lifted and overall, I just felt happier.

Then a few months later, I looked at my calendar and noticed there was one day that was consistently not booked solid. And I personally like to work solid for a full day rather than have gaps in my schedule. So you know what I did? I took that day off too.

So now, I went from 5 days a week to 3 days a week. And yes, I was nervous that I’d lose clients or I’d see a dip in income. But surprisingly, that didn’t happen at all. In fact, my Income remained steady and something I didn’t anticipate happened. My clients began booking in advance. I’ve had a fair amount of clients that book 6 months to a year in advance but there are always a few that don’t. And those clients now book ahead because they see my calendar at the top of the month and how limited my availability is. So they grab their appointment so they have a spot.

Before all of this, I was on the path to losing my fire. I could feel it. My life was work and my daughter.

Since taking days off during the week, I feel like me again.

I share this because I think it’s valuable for someone starting out and anyone who’s been in the industry for a long time. It’s easy to get caught up in work. But make sure you have balance and take time for yourself. Just this one thing helped me tremendously and I wish I’d done it sooner.