How to Crush Your Goals in 2021

How to Crush Your Goals in 2021


  • Motivation alone isn’t enough to achieve your goals

  • Break goals down into clear steps (micro-tasking)

  • Schedule each goal on your calendar to ensure you achieve it

  • Listen to the audio to get the full training

  • Click here to join the Lash Masters Monthly


This is the time of year that a lot of people make resolutions or goals that they’d like to accomplish before the year is over. As I think you may already know, most people don’t accomplish those goals and by the end of February, they’ve forgotten about them.

In fact, I used to be a part of this group until I created a system that has helped me to smash my goals in my personal life and in business. And this week, I’m going to share with you exactly how I do it.

Last week, I shared how to create powerful goals by constantly asking yourself “why” so you can get to the heart of why you want to set the goal in the first place. When you get to the core reason for your goal, it gives the goal more meaning which will then motivate you to achieve the goal you set out to achieve.

But motivation is not enough. I mean, let’s be honest. How many times have you had the motivation to do something but not gotten it done? I can look back and think of a lot of times where I’ve been excited about something and had tons of motivation, yet I still didn’t do what I set out to do. That’s because I didn’t have a plan or a strategy to get it done.

If there’s one thing you take away from this blog, it’s this. If you have big goals and you want to accomplish those big goals, you need to have a clear roadmap on how you’re going to achieve them.

You can’t just hope to achieve them or approach them without a clear strategy. Most people do that and wonder why at the end of the year, they’re in the same place they were at the beginning of the year. You gotta have a clear strategy in place in order to achieve your goals and move forward in life.

To help clarify how this is done, I want to share my step by step process in hopes that it helps you to crush your goals this year.

So we already have the goals, right? The first thing I do is take each goal and I break it down into steps that need to be taken in order to accomplish that goal. I call these steps micro-tasks. For instance, if one of my goals is to improve my lashing speed by 30 minutes, these are the steps I’d need to take in order to accomplish that goal.

Research the different ways I can improve my speed

  • Test different tweezer styles to find styles that support me working faster

  • Find an adhesive that’s compatible with my environment that dries faster

  • Practice on a mannequin 1+ hours a day so I can build my repetition

  • Set a goal to complete a full set in a specific amount of time

  • Time myself using the same mannequin to get a baseline of my speed

  • Work to beat that speed within 2 weeks of consistent practice

Breaking down each goal in this way helps to make them more manageable and less overwhelming. And it also saves me from wasting time trying to figure out what to do first. It’s no fun sitting down at your work space staring into space with no idea of what to do. Breaking things down into micro tasks makes it clear and easy to stay organized and make progress chipping away at a goal.

You may even find that each micro task needs to be broken down further. For instance:

Test different tweezer styles to find styles that support me working faster.

That may require me to research what tweezers options are available on the market. It may also require me to find vendors that carry the kind of tweezers that I’m interested in.

You want to break down each goal and each micro task so that they are easy to do and allow you to make progress.

Next, take a look at these micro tasks and determine how long each will take to complete.

Still using the same micro task above, testing different tweezer styles may take a day or even weeks depending on how quickly you work. The point here is to be realistic. Don’t try to assign a time to each micro task as a way to challenge yourself to work faster. If you do and you don’t meet the time you set, it’s only going to discourage you and make you feel overwhelmed. Instead, just be real with yourself and recognize how much time you need to complete each micro task and write it next to each.

Once you’ve done that, now you can create realistic deadlines to complete each micro-task and the ultimate goals.

So if in your first 12-week year your goal is to improve your lash speed by 30 minutes, set a deadline of when you want to have accomplished that goal. Depending on how much time is involved in each micro task, it could take a month or all 12 weeks. Only you know that. The point is to set a clear target of when you’d like to accomplish that goal and do everything within your power to achieve it by the date you set.

And once you know that date, make it real and schedule it on the calendar. Not just the big goal, but each micro task… schedule them on your calendar leading up to the final date based on the amount of time it takes to complete each micro task.

You don’t need fancy apps or a fancy system to do this. As far as I know, pretty much all phones have a calendar built in so use the calendar on your phone and turn on notifications for each item so you’re constantly reminded of what you need to get done.

That’s my system in a nutshell which allows me to accomplish everything I set out to do so I’m constantly making progress in life and in business. By using this system, it’s helped to organize my days in a way where I always know what I need to do and it’s not so overwhelming.

But if I didn’t mention this last piece, I’d be doing ou a disservice.

You have to actually stick to the calendar and set boundaries so you actually can stick to your schedule.

Just because you set a goal and schedule time for it, it doesn’t mean things will go as planned. There are always things that will come up to throw you off your game. And you have to know and anticipate this before it happens.

For example, I know that I’m someone that is really good at coming up with solutions to solve problems so I’m the go to person to call from my friends or my family if they need help solving a problem they’re dealing with. Since I know this, when I’m focused on my goals, I turn the ringer off on my phone because if I don’t, I know that if it rings, I’ll be tempted to answer it. And if I answer, I’ll get sucked into someone else’s stuff and not get anything accomplished of my own.

So I have to anticipate distractions and set boundaries in advance so I can stick to my plan. You’re not being a jerk for setting boundaries. This is your life and no one can accomplish your dreams but you. Some people will call it selfish and that’s fine. If you don’t put yourself and your dreams first, no one else can do it for you.

All of these steps combined will help you to achieve massive results in your life and crush your goals in 2021 and beyond. And I can tell you from first hand experience that if you’re someone that has had trouble accomplishing your goals in the past and getting closer to your dreams, chopping down goals by using this system is going to give you a tremendous boost to your confidence.

I have a tendency to do a lot of stuff and going off of memory, I forget everything I’ve accomplished. But having everything laid out like this and being able to see all that I’ve gotten done really makes mefeel proud of myself and it boosts my spirits when I have moments where I feel like I’m not making progress. I can just whip out my list and check myself, like girl, you are superwoman fuh real.

Another thing that I should mention is that some of the most successful people in the world have said they are obsessed with goal setting and keeping their goals at the top of their mind. They don’t just write down a goal and stuff it in a drawer somewhere. They look at their goals daily and sometimes even several times a day to make sure they get thing done.

Back in 2013, Daymond John, one of the sharks on the show Shark Tank was doing a Q&A session and was answering literally any question you had for him. So I asked the question, ‘what’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?”

When I asked the question, I wanted to get into the mind of someone I considered successful because I figured if I knew how he started his day, I could start my day in the same way and create habits like his that helps to achieve financial success. I wanted to reengineer everything he did for my own life.

His response was that he wakes up and immediately looks at his goals at the top of the day so it’s always at the top of his mind. And guess what, he liked the question so much that he had it featured on his website for a few years and even elaborated further on it in his book years later.

If anyone can find that quote and send me the screen shot, please send it because I haven’t been able to scour the internet to find it. But it’s there and it’s one of my proud Q&A moments.

But seriously the point is that high achievers and successful people have goals… they have a clear focus on where they’re going. And they keep that focus at the top of mind. They obsess over it.

And by having reminders on your calendar to help you achieve your goals, it will help you to keep your goals at the top of your mind so you have a clear focus and can hopefully join the league of the most successful people in the world. I know that’s where I want to be before this life is over and I want you to join me.

And if you’re serious about making 2021 your best year ever, if you want to crush some massive goals this year and if you want to achieve your dreams, the things you’re passionate about, I have a program called the Lash Masters Monthly where every month, I teach lash artists like you skills to master your lash application and how to build a profitable lash business using the steps I’ve take to build not one, not two but 3 successful lash businesses.

If you want to join a group of artists that are serious about taking their artistry to higher levels that are there to support you on your lash journey, I encourage you to join. If you’re listening to this on the blog, there’s a link at the bottom of this page to sign up and if you’re watching this online, a little box with the site address will appear somewhere on this page where you can join.

I’d love to see you there.

Thank you so much for watching, for listening and let’s make this an amazing week.