How to Make 2021 Your Best Year Ever

How to Make 2021 Your Best Year Ever


  • Although 2020 was quite a year, you made it which means you're prepared to manage any future challenges with ease.

  • Many people set goals at the top of each year but have completely forgotten what they are by February because they are "surface-level" goals.

  • Look for ways to improve the lives of others without expecting anything in return. Remember, you reap what you sow.

  • Make this the year that you master whatever you've been putting off. Find a way to get the education you need to achieve mastery.

  • Manage your time or else time will manage you

  • Watch the video to get the full training

  • Click here to join the Lash Masters Monthly



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Dela Antoinette's Quote 3


Happy New Year! Let’s take a minute to really take in this moment and reflect. 2020 was a wild ride and we all experienced things that were totally new. Between covid 19, sheltering in place, closing the doors to our businesses, multiple protests and riots and the presidential election, we have collectively all been through a lot. But despite all of that, we’re here and we made it to 2021. For some of us, a little beat up… or a lot beat up, but we’re here. So give yourself a pat on the back because you made it.. we made it here together.

And chew on this for a minute… considering everything that happened last year… if you made it through that, what that should tell you is that you can make it through almost anything. So, God-willing, 2021 should be a breeze. And even if it doesn’t feel that way, just remember… many of the big businesses we know and love today began at a time where it seemed impossible to succeed. Many of them began during a great depression or during a recession and those businesses still stand. So if they can do it, so can you.

To get you started, let’s talk about a few things you can do now, to set yourself up to make 2021 your best year ever.

Something I think a lot of people do each year is they set goals and new year resolutions. I think that’s a great place to start but the reality is that most people don’t accomplish any of those goals and even more forget what their goals are by the time February rolls around. So the first step in my opinion to making 2021 your best year ever is to create powerful goals.

What are powerful goals, you ask?

Let me answer by first giving you an example of what powerful goals are not. For a lot of people, the new year is like a reset and many people set a resolution to lose weight. They may even go as far as saying, “I want to lose 10 pounds in 2021.” And while that is an alright goal to have, there’s nothing exciting about that goal. There’s nothing strong enough about that goal to motivate you to stick to it.

So rather than setting goals that focus the surface level stuff, what I call symptom goals, I want you to make heart goals. Meaning, goals that get to the heart of why you’re creating them in the first place. Still using the example of, “lose 10 pounds in 2021,” I would dig beneath the surface to understand why you want to lose 10 pounds. That reason could be very different depending on who you’re talking to. It could be you want to lose 10 pounds to get into that pair of jeans you’ve been looking at hanging in your closet. It could be because you know that you’ll look and feel better if you lost 10 pounds. Or it could be more serious like, I need to lose 10 pounds because if I don’t, I’ll probably be a diabetic within a few months. Whatever the reason, let’s take a look deeper into the goal to find the real goal.

When you go deeper and get to the heart of why you’re making the goal in the first place, that meaning is what will motivate and drive you to accomplish it. The goal will change from a should to a must.

Now, let’s use a real world, lash artist goal as an example:

“In 2021, I want to get more clients.”

Using the same idea from the first example, let’s go deeper into this goal. Let’s say you look at the number of clients you’ll need in order to make a set dollar amount for your business and you change this goal to:

“In 2021, I want to get 20 new clients.”

Already a better goal than the first because it gives you a set number and an area of focus. With this goal, you’re now able to focus on how you’re going to achieve this goal. And that’s a good start but I wouldn’t stop here. I’d go deeper and ask, “why do you need 20 new clients in 2021?”

Naturally, the first response would be, “so I can make more money in my business.” But why? Well maybe those 20 clients means you’ll make 20k more in your business for the year. But then ask why that’s important. Maybe it’s because you’re tired of barely making ends meet or maybe it’s because if you don’t get 20 clients this year, you know your business won’t last. Or maybe it’s because you need 20 clients to boost your self esteem because you’ve been feeling like a failure.

Whatever the reason, the point is that you need to go deep and get to the real reason why you’re setting the goal to begin with. That deep reason that’s in your heart and at your core, that’s what’s going to motivate you to wake up an hour earlier to accomplish it. That’s what’s going to help you keep it at the top of your mind. That’s what’s going to help you to prioritize your goals and accomplish them.

So, step one is set powerful goals. The next step to making 2021 your best year ever is to look for opportunities to serve others. The more you serve the needs of others, the more you’ll get in return.

I know this sounds woo woo but you’ll be amazed by how your year turns out if you focus your energy on serving others rather than looking at how to serve yourself. I’m not saying to neglect yourself and put your needs on the back burner. Definitely take care of yourself. But go into each situation and each relationship looking for ways to serve others. When you do, a few things happen.

You’ll activate the law of reciprocity. In a time where people are more disconnected than ever, it will feel amazing to know that you have people lined up to reciprocate the energy that you put out. Not only that, you’ll stand out because it’s not common to see people actively serving others without looking for something in return. So not only will you be refreshing and a light to people around you, but you’ll set yourself up to receive blessings from others to help uplift you when you need it.

It’s true that you reap what you sow. Sow good seeds and reap the rewards.

The key to serving others is to do it without expecting anything in return. You don’t want to do things to force someone to do for you. That’s not the right intent. Give freely of yourself and others will give freely unto you.

The next thing you’ll want to do to make 2021 your best year is to make this the year you stop making excuses, stop being comfortable and you improve your skills. And this means, in any area where you know you can improve and you havent done it, you need to stop wasting time and get the education you need to level up.

It could be that you need to learn how to make volume fans by hand and you need to finally take that class you’ve been putting off. Or you may need to learn how to effectively run ads for your business… Whatever it is, this year, don’t put it on the backburner where maybe you get to it. No, make it a priority, put it front and center and this year, do whatever it is you need to do to master and to improve your skills.

The last big thing you can do to make 2021 your best year ever is to manage your time so you’re as efficient as possible. Too many people float through life and allow their time to be dictated by whatever comes up. This means that you’ll plan your days rather than allowing random things to pop up and eat up your time. No more wondering where the time went. Now you’ll know exactly where your time is going and you’re in the drivers seat.

This isn’t always the easiest thing to do because for many of us, we have loved ones that depend on us and you may even be used to saying yes to everyone’s requests but this is where you’re going to have to organize your commitments to yourself and others and manage your time so that you’re being as efficient as possible.

Watch where you spend your energy and time. Are you spending a lot of time in front of the TV or playing candy crush on your phone? Really look deeply into that and be honest with yourself. Is what you’re spending the most time on moving you closer to achieving your goals? Is it helping you to make progress in your life and feel more fulfilled? If not, push that to the bottom of the list so you can put your energy into the things that’s going to bring you joy in the future.

So to recap, to make 2021 your best year ever, start by creating powerful goals. Then seek opportunities to serve. Next get the education you need to level up your skills. And lastly, manage your time so you’re as efficient as possible.

Now if you’re serious about making 2021 your best year ever, if you want to crush some massive goals this year and if you want to achieve your dreams, the things you’re passionate about, I have a program called the Lash Masters Monthly where every month, I teach lash artists like you skills to master your lash application and how to build a profitable lash business using the steps I’ve taken personally to build not one, not two but 3 successful lash businesses.

So if you want to join a group of artists that are serious about taking their artistry to higher levels that are there to support you on your lash journey, I encourage you to join. If you’re listening to this or reading this on the blog, there’s a link at the bottom of this page to sign up.

I’d love to see you there.

Thank you so much for watching, for listening and let’s make this an amazing week and and an incredible year.